Media owner, address of establishment and administrative address of the provider:


MineStudio GmbH
Heuweg 10
8041 Graz
E-Mail: [email protected]

Management: Florian Müller
VAT-Nr.: ATU76095903
Company register number: FN 542691 a
Commercial Court: Graz

Applicable regulations: Media Act, E-Commerce Act, Telecommunications Act; see Legal Information Service of the Federal Chancellery

Chamber: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Authority: under the E-Commerce Act: Graz City Council, Hauptplatz 1, 8011 Graz, Austria. Under the Telecommunications Act, Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs GmbH/Telekom Control Kommission, Mariahilfer Strasse 77-79, 1060 Vienna, Austria

Link to the online dispute resolution platform (Regulation EU No. 524/2013 on the online settlement of consumer disputes, in short: ODR Regulation).


Pursuant to. § Section 25 (2) and (3) Austrian Media Act


MineStudio GmbH
Heuweg 10
8041 Graz
E-Mail: [email protected]

MineStudio GmbH

Business purpose:
Online Business in the areas of (a) server and (b) online gaming

Leaf line: 
Presentation of the company’s products and services, as well as the operation of an online store.